What is ParkPAD?
ParkPAD stands for Parking Policy AuDit. It is an instrument enabling municipalities to evaluate and improve the quality of their local on-street and off-street parking policy. A parking policy audit scheme is an innovative tool for a city to assess its parking policy on a local level, achieve consensus on improvements and develop an action plan that fits the city’s SUMP. Additionally, it encourages the transfer of innovative parking policies from other cities. The ParkPAD optimises proven approaches in quality assessment of cycling policies (BYPAD) and SUMPs (QUEST). The objectives of ParkPAD are to:
- Assess and improve the parking policy of cities, towns, and regions in a systematic way.
- Offer an international standardised quality management instrument to cities, towns, and regions for their parking policy.
- Providing the basis for a parking action plan.
ParkPAD is a Quality Management Instrument for parking policy. This helps parking policy to be seen as a service offered by the city or municipality, within the whole local mobility system and closely linked to the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).
Why ParkPAD?
A game changer for urban mobility, by strategically integrating high-quality parking management into Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning. The key principle of ParkPAD is that the audit scheme is not a theoretical model. It is validated and implemented in 26 European municipalities.
Benefits – Good reasons why ParkPAD benefits your municipality or city:
- Increase Quality – ParkPAD provides an in-depth analysis of the current status of your parking policy.
- Ensure Quality & Take Action – Identifying service quality gaps in the parking system is the first step. The second step is to introduce an Action Plan to strengthen the weakest links in the quality chain.
- Add Quality of Life – Integrating parking management into SUMPs
- Certify Quality – A network of trained and certified auditors has been set up to guide the implementation process. After completion of the ParkPAD audit, the municipality or city receives the ParkPAD quality label and the ParkPAD certificate.
To learn more about ParkPAD, and how to use the ParkPAD tool to evaluate your city or become an auditor visit: www.parkpad.eu, www.park4sump.eu |
Restructured street space with bicycle parking in Krakow (Source: City of Krakow)