The Global Parking Association Leaders Summit (GPALs) is an annual gathering of parking association leaders from around the world. Established by the International Parking Institute in 2012, the GPALs Summit is an opportunity to share information and learn from each other in a friendly forum that encourages discussion and dialogue on a wide range of topics.
While parking is different in each country, there are many common elements. The most notable of these is a need to educate government officials, developers, urban planners, the business community and other stakeholders about why parking is important and why the expertise of parking professionals should be considered early in the planning stages of any project.
Participation is limited to the leadership of parking associations, with each country represented by one parking association. There are no membership fees, and each association is invited to send representatives to the annual GPALs Summit.
Participants at the GPALs summit in Malaga in 2019
During the summer of 2013, many GPALs participants joined together to conduct a survey of parking trends among their members. The survey was translated into five languages and distributed to parking professionals via parking associations throughout the world. The aim of the project was to identify trends in the parking industry within participating countries and then compare and analyze for differences and similarities with other countries.
Global Parking Survey 2013
The GPALs Summit is hosted by the International Parking Institute at the IPI Conference & Expo during even years and by alternating members in odd years.
2018: June 4, Orlando, Florida, IPMI Conference & Expo, International Parking Institute
2017: September 20, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 18th EPA Congress, hosted by VEXPAN
2016: May 17, Nashville, TN, IPI Conference & Expo, International Parking Institute
2015: September 23, Berlin, Germany, 17th EPA Congress, hosted by Bundesverband Parken.e.V.
2014: June 1, Dallas, Texas, IPI Conference & Expo, International Parking Institute
2013: September 11, Dublin, Ireland, 16th EPA Congress, hosted by the Irish Parking Association
2012: June, Phoenix, Arizona, 2012 IPI Conference & Expo, hosted by International Parking Institute