EPA General Assembly 2024 O n 26-27 September 2024, the Brus- sels-based EPA aisbl will proudly host its first Ordinary General Assembly, celebrating one year since EPA aisbl’s found- ing. This isn’t EPA’s first meeting in the capital of Europe however, as just last year, September 2023, the “old” EPA e.V. held a successful two- day Annual General Meeting in Brussels. Build- ing on that success, the association decided to retain many of the elements that made it memorable, starting with a welcoming net- working lunch, followed by a packed program featuring high-level guest speakers. EPA NEWS t e v u o L r e d n a x e l A / A P E © Day 1: Inspiring Presentations and Engaging Discussions The event will commence with an opening address by EPA President Nigel Williams, who will set the stage for the day's presenta- tions and discussions with as first theme, an update from the European Commission, DG MOVE (Mobility and Transport). Mr. Axel Volk- ery, Deputy Head of Unit, Sustainable and Intelligent Transport will inform the audi- ence of the latest policy and regulatory de- velopments coming out of his unit, continu- ing the conversation from last year’s meet- ing where his team provided crucial insights on electromobility, fire safety, and parking data sharing obligations. This year, these topics will be covered by Mr. Volkery himself, whereas EPA’s Board Member Peter Dinge- mans as Chair of EPA’s EVs & Fire Safety WG will provide first comments from EPA’s per- spective in what promises to be a lively and highly interactive session! The second session ‘Urban Renaissance: How shaping strategic priorities at EU level helps cities and regions achieve their local policy objectives’ will feature a thought-pro- voking conversation between Ivo Cré, Direc- tor Policy & Projects, POLIS and Theo Thuis, Chair of the EPA Scientific Committee. With POLIS recently releasing its Manifesto for the 2024 European Elections, this session will offer the audience a deep dive into the urban mobility policy priorities of cities and re- gions accross the EU, with a keen focus on how EPA’s own priorities align. To conclude the first day, EPA Executive Director Tom Antonissen will moderate an Last year, September 2023, the “old” EPA e.V. was transformed into the Brussels-based EPA aisbl during a two-day Annual General Meeting in Brussels. interactive panel on the latest digital initia- tive gaining lots of traction in Brussels – a European Mobility Data Space (for Parking). The panel will feature top experts, including the European Commission’s Kristof Almasy, Policy Officer, Internet of things, DG CNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology); Timo Hoffmann, General Sec- retary of the EU-funded project NAPCORE; Wilfried Thierry, Indigo Group and Co-Chair of the EPA Digitalisation & Data WG; and Ni- gel Williams, EPA President & Chair of the Al- liance for Parking Data Standards (APDS). The panel will certainly have lots to discuss, as it will be all about policy, technical as- pects and EU funding through the DIGITAL Europe program, parking data sharing on the National Access Points (NAPs) and the ongoing cooperation between EPA and NAPCORE. After an intellectually stimulating day, all EPA members are invited to relax and enjoy a networking dinner at the iconic Brussels Grand Place. This dinner, sponsored by Brussels-based Interparking with its CEO Roland Cracco to give a welcome speech, is sure to be a highlight, just as it was last year. Day 2: Member-Exclusive Engagement and Collaboration The second day of EPA’s Ordinary General Assembly will will be dedicated to internal discussions, featuring presentations from vol- unteer leaders and updates from various Working Groups. It is not just a key highlight on the EPA’s calendar – it’s a unique opportu- nity to engage deeply with the work being done by community and influence the direc- ■ tion of the association. Why You Should Join Us This General Assembly is more than just an annual gathering; it’s a chance to shape the future of urban mobility in Europe. Whether you're already a member or consid- ering joining, this event offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with industry leaders, stay informed on the latest policy developments, and contribute to the cru- cial discussions that will define our sector’s future. If you’re not yet a member, there’s no better time to join us. We look forward to wel- coming you to Brussels and working together towards a more sustainable and con- nected future. For more information, please contact epa@europeanparking.eu Parking trend international | no. 3-2024 17