>> EPA NEWS Questions and answers on the DISCO project “The idea comes from the music industry” What is the DISCO project about? How did it get started? Where did the idea come from? Paola Cossu: DISCO is a 42-month inno- vation action, started on May 2023, co- funded by the European Commission in the Horizon Europe Programme, coordinated by Paola Cossu, FIT (www-fitconsulting.it). With its 47 partners, including local and re- gional authorities, technology providers, EU-wide parking/logistics/cities and data- related associations, logistics service provid- ers, infrastructures owners, DISCO aims at fast-tracking upscaling to a new generation of urban logistics and smart planning framework, as recommended in the Urban Mobility Framework launched in 2021 by the EU Commission, delivering innovative tools and methods, changing the urban lo- gistics and planning paradigm with a Physi- cal Internet (PI) – led approach. In this context, it is of paramount importance to integrate urban freight within an efficiently operated network-of-networks, exploiting underused lands and assets, including both fixed and mobile infrastructure, based on throughput demands. This integration will contribute to the dynamic and optimal space re-allocation needed in the different European cities. The idea comes from the music industry where the evolution already accomplished a transition from physical support in vinyl, magnetic tape, or metal, to full demateriali- sation of products, distributed by means of a data platform, able to share royalties, ser- vices, and music as an end-to-end commod- ity, like Spotify. Music can now be massively used by everyone by regular subscription (just by mobile), wherever they are and whatever music one would like to listen (Music as a service). The same should go for deliveries in urban logistics (es. Logistics as a service). The DISCO PI-led approach delivers trusted integration of systems and networks, The expert Paola Cossu is CEO and Partner of Fit Consulting, based in Rome. With a degree in statistics, she has almost 30 years of experience in international and national research. Her main areas of expertise are urban mobility and logistics, sustainable planning, new business and governance models for collaborative logistics, curbside and mixed-use space management, and logistics supply chains. Paola is project coordinator and leader of numerous research and implementation projects and studies funded by the Euro- pean Commission. adopted by cities actively shaping their tran- sition, smoothly harmonising freight con- siderations into land-use and parking policy and planning. Within a data-driven “cloud” ecosystem a city could fairly penalize abus- ers of the infrastructure by having access to real-time data on use, avoid costly infra- structure investments that simply address congestion times, by optimizing use during all times of the day and control dynamically access to infrastructure and avoid road con- gestion, illegal parking, or overuse. interoperable Which are its major outcomes? The DISCO vision lays upon some key Game Changers in the last mile: Fast-track- ing transition of digital, physical, and eco- nomically / socially viable sustainable solu- tions driven by new technologies, by inte- grating innovations with enabling technologies by an online PI-led Meta Model Suite, composed of five “DIS- CO-X” innovations: DISCOCURB, DIS- COPROXI, DISCOBAY, DISCOESTATE and DISCOLLECTION. An Assessment Toolkit measures digital transition maturi- ty, for a holistic urban logistics and plan- ning. The Meta Model Suite helps the de- ployment of 23 innovative measures across eight European Living Labs; Co-creating an innovative enabling city “cloud” ecosystem for trust and data protection to ensure ser- vices interoperability and common proto- cols. This target has potentials to valorise urban freight data, for new value creation, fostering capacity in aligning digital chal- lenges among public/private stakeholders, by introducing a Data Space in Living Labs - with anonymised and customised data pipelines supporting such services, enabling better collaboration and coordination among different stakeholders. Driving cities in effectively implementing new urban lo- gistics sustainable planning adopting a Po- ly-parametric city typology as Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) to synchronise city centres and peripheries with mixed and op- timal space distribution and of lands uses; Accelerating the adoption of innovative business models, of assets that are based on data-driven and sharing principles among private/public players, stimulating an exec- utive collaboration model to generate new market and values. What is the envisaged role of EPA, along with its partner associations such as POLIS and ALICE? In DISCO, EPA, ALICE, and POLIS EU- wide associations are fundamental players 20 20 Parking trend international no. 3-2023